Sew a Post Card with Kathryn Harmer Fox
Come and play
Use your sewing machine to create a post card
Learn how to:
Transfer an image to canvas
Make a stitched line drawing
Colour your line drawing using little snippets of fabric and netting
Render your coloured drawing using sewing thread and free-motion machine embroidery
For students:
Sew Postcard equipment and tools needed
- a sewing machine (must be able to disengage feed-dogs
- an extension table
- a darning/embroidery foot
- jeans needles
- extra bobbins
- sharp scissors, tape measure pins etc
- a blue and a red fine-liner fibre-tipped pen
- a couple of cheap, bristle brushes (I will bring as well)
- a set of Inktense coloured pencils if they have (I will bring as well)
Materials needed
- a shoebox-sized pack of quilting/dress material offcuts and snippets
- as many colours of cheap, non-sparkly netting as possible (buy the smallest amount possible in as many colours as you think you need
- a variety of different coloured sewing threads (not embroidery thread - too shiny)
Post your artwork to a friend, frame it or … make another!
A selection of kits available featuring various African fauna and flora by Kathryn Harmer Fox